In The Widening Gyre, Chapter 14

Well, the good news is that I’ve finally managed to press through my writer’s block. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to stare at a computer screen and just not have any desire or passion to do anything.

It’s not that I didn’t know what was supposed to happen next in the story. I was just as dry as a Texas summer when it came to putting any words down. I think it had a lot to do with not getting enough sleep – that, and the emotional turmoil of my wife’s surgery and recovery. But now we’ve overcome that hurtle (not cancer. Whew!), and I can concentrate on things that, frankly, don’t matter quite as much to me as her health and well-being.

It probably helped that I shoved two of Stephen King’s Dark Tower books down my gullet as well. I’m beginning to suspect that I don’t read nearly enough, and that’s why I sometimes run dry.

Of course, the danger in reading is the inspiration it brings. Not inspiration for one of the six novels I’m currently engaged in. No. Inspiration for a whole new set of stories clamoring for my attention.

Take a number already.

I think, though, what really pushed me over the edge was two things (three, if you count the end to our health scare crisis). One, was getting a contract for The Elixir of Life. As much as I support Indie publishing, there’s still something to be said for the kudos and validation that a formal contract gives. I’ve begun researching for the next Jonathan Munro Adventure, tentatively titled The Music of the Spheres. Takes place in Russia and involves Rasputin, the aforementioned Elixir, and quite possibly some Fabergé eggs (though I need to do a little more homework before including them).

The second thing that has lit a fire under me are the two independent praises I received from readers on Kindleboards and Mobileread–both for the Jefferson’s Road series. I know I’m gonna have to get cracking on The Tree of Liberty real soon, but I still want to finish In the Widening Gyre first.

At any rate, as I write this, it’s about two o’clock in the morning. I’m on my second overnight shift (with nothing else to do but wait for the guys to wake up around five), and it’s pouring rain outside. I don’t face the temptation of TV (I do watch a lot of shows. My current list includes: Once Upon A Time, Missing, Touch, The Killing, Revenge, Criminal Minds, Castle, House, and Fringe. But I’ve already seen all the episodes airing. Meanwhile, the next season of Warehouse 13, Falling Skies, Covert Affairs, Being Human (US), and Breaking Bad haven’t started yet. I don’t know whether or not Hell On Wheels or Terra Nova will be coming back, either (yes, I know Fox cancelled Terra Nova — but they’re still shopping it around to other networks)), and I’ve already played my fair share of Minesweeper, Mahjong Tiles and Solitaire. Oh, and I’ve read the news. This means I’m pretty much outta stuff to do that ain’t writing.

Except, of course, for hurling my thoughts out into the universe like this. All right. ‘Nuff goofing off. I’ve got to get back to writing.

Here’s the link to the next chapter.

Chapter 14

Doing the Happy Dance!

Still working on the next chapter installment of In the Widening Gyre, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share the really great news I received from my publisher for The Lost Scrolls. This is what she wrote me this morning:

Now, the great news: We will be offering you a contract for book 2 in your Jonathan Munro series, The Elixir of Life. We will aim for another summer release, and I am optimistic on success because all of our editors love your books! That’s hard to do. Your contract will be the same as for The Lost Scrolls, and I can send you the official offer this week. Let me know your thoughts!

I am so excited! I’ve actually begun the preliminary research for the next Jonathan Munro Adventure, which takes place in Russia and involves the story of Rasputin, among other famous Russian characters. There’s a few characters from The Elixir of Life who’ll reappear in this story. I’m reasonably confident that we’ll see the return of Brother Demetri Antonescu as well, though I’m not sure exactly how. The story is tentatively titled, The Music of The Spheres, and might involve an unfinished Tchaikovsky composition that holds a secret mystery within the notes. I can’t say more, though (and I haven’t really worked everything out yet). At any rate, I’m now reading up on Russian history in preparation for outlining the story.

And have no fear for In the Widening Gyre. I had to take a small break to prime the pump again (that means: read some more fiction. I find it’s important to do this in order to keep generating my own stories. Not really sure why, but if all I do is write all the time, I wear out. Got to read to pour back in, I suspect). I’ll be back to work on it in no time at all. Along with the other series I’m writing.

God is so good!