Moving Forward

I don’t know if it’s because of the weekend, or if it’s due to the initial climb plateauing and starting to fall, but the book appears to have levelled off in the rankings, with a slight decline down to #1655 in overall rankings, #6 in Political and #55 in Action & Adventure.  Nevertheless, I’m not concerned. Like I said, I’m looking for real readers here, not just people stuffing their kindles with freebies. I’m not complaining either way. Frankly, it’s nice to know people give my book the time of day, and I appreciate all those who’ve downloaded a copy.

And people are still dowloading it. Some others may be climbing faster, but that’s okay.

In the meantime, I’m still working on all six WIPs, and they have each crossed the 30K threshold as of this afternoon. Here’s the latest breakdown of my word counts:

Descent 33,902
God and Country 31,261
The Blood-Eater Coven 30,700
A Glass Half-Empty 30,252
Nicholas 30,165
The Music of The Spheres 30,063

Total All Six Books:



So, as you can see, I’m making serious progress. And for those who’ve grabbed the first three Jefferson’s Road books already, have no fear: the fourth will be out soon (likely end of the year, or early 2014).

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