Of course, as an author of scary books for young adults, that’s what he’s supposed to do. Check out his books at BJKurtz.blogspot.com for the next stop on Edgy Christian Fiction Lover’s Summer Blog Tour!
Blog Tour
Next Stop on the Blog Tour
is at Tracy Krauss’s blog: Expressions Express. She writes Romantic Suspense – Edgy Christian style. So if you’re looking for a good summer read (and you’ve read all mine already ;)), then give hers a whirl!
Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers Blog Tour
Yikes! I’ve fallen behind! This comes from not checking back with all the sites I’m on frequently enough to realize I made the cut off!
Okay, so here’s the thing. I’m participating in the Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers Blog Tour – promoting all the marvelous Christian fiction books that are available now (my own included, of course!)
At any rate, here are the links to the recent posts that I’ve missed, along with their respective dates. I’ll post the next link tomorrow (I promise!)
Wed, Jul 11: Tammy Doherty (CELTIC KNOT, CLADDAUGH, CELTIC CROSS) http://mystiqueofnaultag.blogspot.com/
Sat, Jul 14: Anita K . May (Red Rover, Red Rover and Amnesia Alibii) http://anitamay.aegauthorblogs.com/
Mon, Jul 16: Jennifer H. Westall (LOVE’S PROVIDENCE) http://westallsww.blogspot.com/
Wed, Jul 18: Nike Chillemi (PERILOUS SHADOWS, BURNING HEARTS, GOODBYE NOEL) http://nikechillemi.wordpress.com/
Sat, July 21: Tina Pinson (WHEN SHADOWS FALL, IN THE MANOR OF THE GHOST, TOUCHED BY MERCY) http://tinapinson.blogspot.com
So there ya have it! My apologies to those bloggers and authors I’ve ignored for almost two weeks. I promise to faithfully execute the duties of this office from here forward.