Just a Quick Update

I thought I’d just give you a quick update. This past week not only have I started writing regularly again, I’ve also renewed tracking my day to day output. I’ve discovered this is a very effective way of exercising the necessary discipline to write.

I’ve taken the remaining four and a half months of the year and divvied them up–giving myself one month per book. For the half month remaining of August (’cause I started about a week ago), I expect to write upwards of 1,070 words per day–every day. This should give me just over 86K words by the end of the month, which should be enough to finally put A More Perfect Union to bed.

September I’m wrapping up The Music of the Spheres, the next Jonathan Munro Adventure. I’ve scheduled only 683 words per day to finish this book, bringing it also to 86K words. October will see the end of The Blood-Eater Coven, the second book in the Dragon’s Eye Cycle, which has been lingering far too long on the shelf. I need 1,059 words per day to wrap it up. November I’m working on Wizard Sky Pirates!, aiming for 1,411 words per day to finish it at 100K words. Or so. Then, finally in December, I’ll finish New World Order: Anarchy, which needs exactly 1,500 words per day to complete it by December 31st.

Given that National November Writing Month trains writers to churn out 1,667 words per day, each of these is attainable. Rather easily, in fact. Okay, maybe not “easily,” but especially given how few words I need to write in September, I have a feeling I’ll be able to get a jump start on these other books to wrap them all up by the end of the year.

So that’s the plan. And I really do believe that daily tracking of my writing goals is the key to completing projects quickly. This is what I’ve attained so far this week:

And I’m not done.

Total words per day
14-Aug 68,225 1,481
15-Aug 69,331 1,106
16-Aug 70,497 1,166
17-Aug 71,930 1,433
18-Aug 72,552 622
19-Aug 73,802 1,250

I reached my target today and then some. I’m already 432 words ahead of where I need to be.

Feels good to be writing again.

So Here’s the Thing…

I’ve reached what should be the 92% mark on The Blood Eater Coven, the sequel to Eye of Darkness, and I’ve got two days left this month to write. Problem is, that still means about 8K words, and frankly, the story’s gone off the rails. I keep stepping back and glancing at my outline sketch, and it’s nowhere near what I’d originally conceived for the plot. On the one hand, I’m reluctant to hack and slash, but I honestly believe I have to at this point. So this novel won’t be finished this month. Sigh.

What I’ll do is take what I’ve got and set it aside till after August, and then come at it again with a fresh perspective. I just have to copy the prodigal material and put it somewhere out of the way, and then pick pieces of it I can weave back into the narrative once I correct the mistake. It’s not that unlike realizing you missed a stitch while crocheting a blanket, and having to undo all that work so you can correct it. Except in this case, I don’t actually have to “undo” anything so much as cut and remove it till I can find a way to weave it back in. If it fits at all, of course.

It’s a bummer, sure, but I’d rather get the story right than keep going with something that’s just going nowhere.

In the meantime, in two days I’ll be picking up The Music of the Spheres, which is the next installment of the Jonathan Munro Adventures. I’m looking forward to returning to it, especially considering how well the series is doing overseas.

Eye of Darkness Taking Off?!

I know, I know: I keep bragging about how well these books are doing. But seriously, this is pretty stinking cool:




I’ve barely promoted this book! But it’s taking on a life of it’s own. Special thirst for fantasy? Or is it just that the rock is starting to move a bit. I guess we’ll see how things play out in the next couple of weeks.

So, here are the stats as these promos have played out now for the past two weeks:

2-Jan Topheth 166
3-Jan Turning 181
9-Jan Spilled Milk 299
10-Jan Eye of Darkness 682

And that’s only as of this afternoon!

Not sure what this means long term, but I’m gaining some hope.


Still climbing! It’s now almost 5:30. I’m starting to think we might break the Top 100 overall, or maybe even higher!


Off stride a bit…

I confess I’ve been off stride this past week. Fact is, after cranking out better than 42K the first two weeks of July, the last week has been an absolute bust. Less than 1300 words for the entire week!

In all fairness, it’s been a rather busy week at that. My Mom came up to visit us, and we’ve had some car repair issues on top of the kids needing to be ferried all over creation (okay, it’s mostly my wife who’s done that last bit – though I’ve done a little), and we’ve had get togethers on back to back Sundays. All of which conspires to almost nothing written. It’s going to take some effort to get back on track. The word counts I booked prior to this by going over my minimal word count of 2k won’t be enough to cover the loss of an entire week, so I’ll have to stretch to pull this off.

Which brings up what I think is the real culprit behind the word count fiasco. On at least two of my stories, I’ve felt the plot lines sorta getting away from me. And I’ve faced a set back on a third – meaning the heart of the story hasn’t even begun yet because I’m still dealing with leftover issues from the previous novel. It’s been a little disheartening. I suspect what I’ll have to do is sit down and outline these two books, see if I can’t get a handle on what’s supposed to happen so I can avoid any rabbit trails leading to rabbit holes.

On a side note, and perhaps related to the discouragement over all, is the realization that I haven’t approached my writing career as strategically as I ought to have. The prevailing wisdom is to write an individual series, and then release books in that series close together (like months, not years as in the traditional model) to avoid confusing the reader. Writing multiple series is all well and good, but typically this is done one at a time.

On the other hand, I can’t exactly back off on the books I currently have available to just concentrate on one series or another. Well, maybe I could, but I don’t think it would be beneficial overall.

Jefferson’s Road is the closest to being done series I have, so there’s no question I’ll keep writing that. My Janelle Becker books are the best selling series, so it makes sense to keep doing them as well. Given that Topheth has sold so little to this point, I suppose I could pull it down, rename it something more recognizable (I’m thinking of “Burning” or “The Burning”), and then sit on it until I’ve got at least two more Janelle stories ready to go.

Definitely can’t do that with the Jonathan Munro Adventures, so those books are off the table as far as this is concerned.

That leaves me also with the Dragon’s Eye Cycle – a different genre, admittedly, and the Spilled Milk books.  Would there be wisdom in pulling these books and then re-releasing them when I have the rest finished? I doubt it with Spilled Milk, but Eye of Darkness, possibly. I might consider changing the title, and then re-releasing it under a pseudonym, so that I don’t confuse readers with what Michael J. Scott writes. I haven’t sold so many that it’d make a huge dent in matters, so it’s something to consider.

Of course, Turning is still out there as well. I haven’t pushed this one at all, and there are far more to write. I could pull it and then finish more before resubmitting it.

But the real solution, I suspect, is to plan out an entire story arc for a series, write the books ahead of time, and then only release them one a month once they’re all finished, fully edited, and covers professionally done and consistent. I have two unfinished books that might serve toward that end, so I’m not exactly starting from scratch here. It will take some tweaking to make these two books – both stand alones – fit into a single series, but I believe I can pull it off.

So this will be the next strategy, even as I work on finishing the current series that I have. I’ll let you know if I decide to pull anything down and then release more strategically in the future.

A 1-Star Review? Egads!

So I received the following 1-star review from a disappointed reader the other day (yes, I read every review I get.):

1.0 out of 5 stars waste of time, December 28, 2012
This review is from: Eye of Darkness (Dragon’s Eye Cycle) (Kindle Edition)

I’ve found the end extremely unsatisfying, evil, cruelly hopeless and not worth all the reading I invested. Very, very disappointing, like a slap in the face.

I feel betrayed and I don’t think I will ever read anything from that author again. If I could give no star at all I would. I’ve got it for free, and I think it wasn’t even worth THAT.

Cruelly hopeless? Unsatisfying? EVIL?

Yikes! What, I wondered, could possibly have led this reader to such depths of disappointment. But then I realized what had happened.

Mea Culpa.

I have left out a crucial piece of the story, one that I’ve relied on other reviewers to know implicitly, but not something that I’ve clearly spelled out. And for others who don’t know me, like the reviewer above, for whom this story is a first introduction, it’s a bit of vital information that should be stated clearly. So here goes:

The end of the book is not the end of the story.

See, Eye of Darkness is just BOOK ONE of a four to five book cycle. BOOK TWO is already in the works, and what lashed this reader so cruelly was the serious hook I left at the end. A cliffhanger, if you will. Now, in my Jefferson’s Road series, I do this all the time. The difference being that I give, at the end of the book, a sample page or two from the next book in the series, so you know it just doesn’t END, but continues on where it left off. And Eye of Darkness is already 100K words long. Would you really have read it if it were twice that length? Four to five times that length? Because that’s probably what the full story will wind up being.

Nevertheless, I didn’t give my readers any sample of book two at the end of book one. And that is my error – one that I am rectifying as we speak. The newest versions of Eye of Darkness will include the first complete chapter of Book Two – tentatively titled The Blood-Eater Coven (I say tentatively, because my wife hates the title. But for those who’ve read the book, you’ll know what a “Blood-eater” is.).

But for those who’d like to read the first chapter of book two (and in the unlikely chance I may win this reader back), I am posting it in its entirety here, as well as updating the kindle and print versions with the new information.

Again, I apologize. It won’t happen a second time.

Kind Regards,

Michael J. Scott

Chapter 1: The Penance of the Wolf


The mounted soldiers led the shackled man forward, and the she-wolf followed. The riders did not see the wolf, but the horses sensed her presence, and nickered nervously to one another as they skirted the western edge of the Dragon’s Ridge as it plunged southward toward the lake district of Val Turon. The wolf kept her distance, though it would have been a simple matter to run down the beasts and attack with preternatural speed. Without their mounts and armed with nothing more than swords and crossbows, the armored men would stand little chance against her. But for instincts she could neither articulate nor understand, she refrained, and chose instead to simply follow.

It had something to do with the man in chains, the one the soldiers led on foot while a pair of rider-less mounts followed behind. At night they would stop and make camp, lighting a fire to ward off the chill and cook their meat. Twice now she’d driven game their way, ensuring the men with crossbows could hunt successfully without straying too far from their bivouac. The deer, of course, tended to evade the mounted party, but one whiff of her sent them forward into harm’s way. The men congratulated each other on their cleverness and skill, never realizing who or what was responsible for their success.

She took her own kills after the men brought down theirs, and would sit some distance away to eat and keep watch beneath the light of the waxing moon. She’d been following them for a week now—the man in chains even longer. Her first memory came in the light of the full moon. She remembered the man standing in front of her, extending his hand and letting her catch his scent. She smelled the fear on him, but it was tempered by something else, something that confused her and kept her from acting on instinct and tearing out his throat. She didn’t know what this other scent was, but it drew her now, and kept her close to him even after the men on horses put him in chains.

There was only one time she strayed from this course, and that was when a distant memory—even more confused in its own way—caused her to find and dig out a rotting corpse wrapped in a blanket, itself little more than rags. Despite the earth and death that clung to the shroud and the body it contained, she nonetheless carried it back several miles to the edge of the farm where the soldiers had taken the shackled man into custody. Here she brought it as close as she dared, and then left it in the field near the front of the house. The horses and cows in the barn had raised a ruckus, and the pigs had squealed in nervous fright, running paces in their pen and pressing far back from her as possible, butting into the fence as if struggling to break free and run for the hills. Not that they’d have gotten far if she’d had a mind to take them down. She watched them for a full minute, tracking their movements even in the gloaming light of early morning. At this hour birds would have been tittering in the trees, but the wild ones were unnaturally silent, and only the chickens squawked fearfully in their coop. It wasn’t long before the noise alerted the farmer and his wife, and he came to the front step with a lantern in his hand, crying out, “Who’s there?”

The farmer didn’t frighten her, but she turned tail and fled at his presence regardless. As she passed beyond the edge of the farmer’s field, she heard the keening wail of the farmer. He’d found the body. She glanced back, a forepaw lifted hesitantly off the ground. With a snort, she’d turned and raced back across the empty grasslands, bounding over a fallen log until the farm and the sound of its grief were lost.

After that, she kept to the trail of the horsemen, following even in the bright light of day, when the sun’s heat beat down upon her and its blaze hurt her eyes—following even though every instinct screamed for her to seek shelter and rest in the bracken and wait for the coolness of night.

It only took two days to catch up to the horsemen. She followed at sunset until she caught up to them, and then kept a lonely vigil at a safe distance.

She did not realize that the distance she deemed safe diminished with each passing day.

On the night of the next full moon, the distance had vanished altogether. The men were sleeping now, snoring fitfully around their little campfire with their swords and crossbows stashed just a little too far out of reach to do them any good. Even the horses were quiet, having grown accustomed to her scent over the past several weeks, such that she was able to pad softly into the circle of their fire without raising so much as a nicker from the steeds.

She slipped easily past the men, making no more sound than a shadow, her sable fur reflecting none of the firelight. She moved like a fragment of the night itself, a wisp of harrowed dreams made flesh. If the men awakened now, the last thing they’d see would be a pair of green-gray eyes glowing in the black, before they descended forever into the inumbrated abyss.

To their good fortune, none of the armed men so much as stirred.

At the foot of the shackled man she stopped and sat back on her haunches, regarding him from narrowed eyes. The man breathed evenly, his chest rising and falling in a placid rhythm. Her tail, which had pointed straight out initially, slowly began to curl downward. She lowered herself to the ground, keeping her head erect and ears forward. When he still did not stir, she inched forward, gently nosing about his feet and ankles. Her tongue flicked out briefly. A low sound rose in her throat and escaped her muzzle in a quick huff of breath. Her nostrils flared, taking in more of the prisoner’s scent.

After several minutes of this silent vigil, she rose quickly and crept forward, laying her muzzle across his arm, and leaning against his body for warmth. Gently, with no sign of wakefulness, the man’s hand opened up and stroked her fur.

She closed her eyes.


Lucas opened his one good eye just a slit, barely enough to see the shadow that clung to him. He kept his lips pressed together, and maintained a slow, even pattern of breaths.

It had been a month since her change. The next several hours would be critical. If the moon set and she did not change back, she might never recover her lost humanity. Depending on how much of the wolf she embraced, or how much she struggled against it, she might be a permanent victim of the lunar cycle, or she might gain mastery over the transformation, and be able to change shape at will, regardless of what floated in the sky. He prayed fervently to the Hunter for the latter, begging that some small mercy be shown to her in light of the self-inflicted punishment with which she’d sentenced herself.

He lay there like that for hours, gently stroking her fur, unwilling to move or sleep, lest somehow he should disturb her rest and send her fleeing into the wild. Or worse, startle her into lashing out and staining the ground with blood—quite likely his own.

Oh Avenyë! he prayed, please come back to me.

Sometime during the night, the full moon passed beyond the horizon and disappeared below the curve of the earth. The transformation was startling not only for its swiftness, but also for its peacefulness. Gone was the agonizing struggle in her flesh when the wolf first emerged, popping bones and realigning joints as she sweated and shook while her humanity was torn away. This time, the wolf just seemed to melt back into her body. One minute he was stroking fur. The next he was holding her naked form. He reached forward and touched her face.

The wolf’s eyes opened, and she was staring at him and snarling. Then she blinked, and the maddened rage evaporated into confusion, pain, and fear. She started to pull away. He slipped his hand behind her neck and held her fast.

“Lucas?” she said.

“Shh,” he replied, pressing his other finger to her lips. “Welcome back. By the Hunter, I have missed you.”

“What happened?”

“In a moment. First things first. While I have no objection to your current attire, we are not alone.”

Avenyë glanced down, staring aghast at her naked breasts. She spun quickly, eyes wide as she caught sight of the guards still sleeping around the campfire.

“Your clothes and boots are all in Nibbler’s saddlebags. The guards have appropriated your rapier, knives, and bow. I don’t know who has what, though I have faith in your ability to recover them.”

“Lucas, what happened? Why are you in chains?”

“You remember Sheriff Bram.” Lucas nodded toward the man’s sleeping form. “He met me just outside the Dugharrow’s farm. He must have set a watch on the Giant’s Trough who alerted him by raven as soon as I crossed through the pass. Or something like that.”

“The Dugharrows…” she repeated, and then closed her eyes as her memories returned. “Oh no. You figured it out. You forced me to confess.”

He let his arm slide down to the scars of the wolf bite on her arm. “I never meant for you to do this. And I know that Annabelle’s death was a tragic accident.”

“I killed her. I didn’t mean to!” Tears rimmed her eyes.

“I know.”

“How can you stand to look at me?”

He bit his lip. “I’ve had nothing but these men and horses to look at the past month. You are a vast improvement.”

“You make a joke of it?” She drew back from him. He clutched her hand and pulled it to his lips.

“I forgive you, Avenyë. Now you must forgive yourself.”

She tore her hand free of his grasp, and in a heartbeat had somersaulted over the side of him and disappeared. He turned to watch her, but she was gone.

She reappeared moments later, fully clothed, cinching her belt around her waist. Her red cloak, the one in the king’s colors he bought for her in Kilearny, she’d flung across her shoulders.

She crouched before him now and caressed his cheek. “I cannot forgive myself. My feathers are gone. I am Ronami no longer. I have to go back and face them.”

“The Dugharrows? You choose a harsh penance.”

“They have a right to know. They have a right to bury their daughter.”

“What will you tell them?”

After a moment she said, “The truth.”

He sighed. “I wish I could be there with you.”

A sad smile tugged at the corner of her lips. She pulled a small pick from her sleeve and lifted the lock to his shackles.

“No,” he said.


“I have my own penance to make. Bram is taking me to the king to stand trial. I will make my appeal before him there, and submit myself to his justice.”

“Does your king know justice?”

“I must trust the Hunter that he does.”

She nodded. “I’m so sorry.” She bent forward, pressing her lips to his, dampening his cheeks with her tears. He kissed her fiercely, aching when she pulled away.

She turned from him and crept to the guards. Noiselessly, she lifted her quiver and bow from the side of one guard, took her knives from the belts of two more, and lastly slipped her rapier and scabbard from beneath Sheriff Bram Loric’s very nose. Lucas watched her, awed by the grace with which she moved.

As the first rays of dawn crept over the horizon, she untied Nibbler, gently stroking the horse’s neck before swinging up into the saddle. The horse’s hooves made soft clopping sounds against the dirt as she directed the mount over to where Lucas lay. Bram stirred in his sleep.

Lucas sat up. “Return to me as swiftly as you can.” He reached up and touched her hand with his own.

“Before the next moon.”

“Swifter, if you can manage it.”

She blew him a kiss then, kicked her heels, and surged away from the camp.

Bram came fully awake, staring around with wide eyes, as if trying to get his bearings. His gaze fell on Lucas. “What happened?”

Lucas couldn’t suppress a grin. “You’ve been burgled.”

Christmas Sale Recap

So, after making two books with fewer than five reviews available for three days over Christmas – and hitting several pages with announcements about the books – here are the results:

Eye of Darkness – 239 books given away.

Spilled Milk – 656 books given away.

As of this writing, I haven’t sold any additional copies. My only hope now is that I’ll at least garner the missing reviews I need for the books to do a proper giveaway. But even that is questionable at this point.


1) When doing a Christmas sale, it’s probably better to do it either before Christmas, or immediately thereafter. Almost no one appeared to download much of anything on Christmas Day (duh), which means that whatever momentum I hoped to gain was lost.

2) There is definitely something to be gained by having five reviews instead of just three or four. Spilled Milk has one more review than Eye of Darkness, and it sold almost three times as well. While that may be a function of a better cover, better title, or just a genre with a broader audience, it may also have to do with the fact that the reviews on it are more trustworthy for the simple fact that there are more of them. And this is particularly frustrating, because I had promises from three people that they would post reviews for Eye of Darkness, and yet nothing happened (and for the guilty parties: I still love ya, and I hope you will eventually leave the aforementioned reviews).

3) It’s probably better to promote one title at a time, rather than more than one. I think doing two at once diluted my efforts. Rather than one book getting 895 downloads, and thus rising higher in the rankings (thus incurring more downloads), I inadvertently made the two books compete with each other, thus diluting the results and probably bringing the numbers down as a whole.

4) Evidently, I’m missing a crucial step in promoting my books. I don’t know if it’s due to my unfamiliarity with Twitter and Pinterest, but those are two tools I know I’ve underutilized. I wish sometimes that I wasn’t such an internet immigrant (I was born on the boat), so that I understood some of these things a little more intuitively. Alas, I’m gonna have to play catch up along with the rest. I probably don’t make half as much use of Goodreads as I could. And drive-by posts at the various message boards don’t help much. There are many people who are quite active and involved on these sites, and I know they sell well – and they all give the same advice: be involved in the forums. My complaint is that a) this takes away more time from my family, b) I’d rather be writing, and c) I’m so much more of an introvert that relating to people I’ve never met is a little counter-intuitive for me. And I can make all those complaints, and none of it matters, because those who participate sell better than those who don’t – no matter what the excuse.

All of which is to say: there’s definitely value in using a publicist than trying to do it all myself.

All right. Enough whining. I’m getting back to writing now. In the Widening Gyre has about 65K words written, and I’ve already started work on the sequel to Eye of Darkness as well as the next Jonathan Munro Adventure: The Music of the Spheres. TTFN!

The Christmas Sale Begins!

It’s about five o’clock on the first day of the Christmas sale. So far I’ve given away a little more than 270 books. Not nearly the numbers that I expect to have by the end of the sale (it usually takes a little bit for the books to get noticed, it seems), but not a bad start. Of course, now that people are getting home from work or last minute shopping and settling in for the evening, I expect it’ll start to take off.

Nevertheless, the two books are both at #46 in their respective categories. I’m hoping we can reach #1 before the sale ends, but I recognize that there’s probably a lot of competition for that spot this time of year.

Spilled Milk:

Eye of Darkness:

Christmas Sale!

So I’m doing a little Christmas sale type thingy. Using KDP Select for two of my titles that need a little love. I’m not making use of my regular publicist for these two, if only because I can’t seem to rally enough reviews for her to put to use.

I don’t know how big it’ll be, given that everyone and their brother will be pushing for Christmas, but what the heck. It’s worth a shot. At the worst, I hope to give a way a couple thous. and maybe garner some of those reviews I so desperately need. At the most, I’ll actually make some money doing this.

I’ve got a little more work to do to pull this off, but we’ll see how it goes. The books are below (if you’re curious), and the promo runs from December 24 through December 26. Maybe there’ll be some new Kindle owners I can dazzle. :P

CHRISTMAS SALE! December 24, 25, and 26, Spilled Milk is FREE to Download!


What would you do to protect your kids? For Gerrold Smith, a widower whose children have been taken from him by the courts, the answer is to hold the city hostage. What starts as a random act of violence quickly escalates into terrorist activity, and as Gerrold discovers the city’s dark secret, he must choose between saving his own children, or sacrificing them to save even more.

CHRISTMAS SALE! December 24, 25, and 26, Eye of Darkness is FREE to Download!


A mercenary ex-Sheriff and a girl outcast from her tribe investigate serial kidnappings and murders. Is it evidence of magick, or is some other darkness bringing such evil into their land?

This took a little longer than I thought…

Here’s the next installment of In The Widening Gyre.

Chapter Ten

My goal was to have chapter ten done as of yesterday, and be finishing chapter eleven today. Obviously, that didn’t happen. Part of it was the family’s insistence on watching a double feature last night, but the biggest reason was, I think, just being tired. The double shift I worked on Tuesday didn’t help matters. The overtime will help, of course, but not as far as the story is concerned.

Some days I just can’t wait till I’m earning QYJM from all this. I don’t really want or need to be rich. I just want to earn enough to do this full-time.

I suppose, in a way, this is a discipline. Paying my dues, that sort of thing. If I can learn to crank out the volume needed to make it as a writer, then I’ll have acquired the discipline needed to make doing it full time a worthwhile investment. It’s not like I’ll ever take a full year to write a novel again. My goal now is one every two months (assuming I can even pull that off!). This way, I’ll be able to progress on all six series I’m currently writing.

My wife pointed out to me the other day that I’ve already released three books this year. True, the sequel to The Lost Scrolls had to be submitted to my editor at Ellechor, but I did finish the edits and release it to her. And, of course, I finished both Spilled Milk and Eye of Darkness this year as well. This means that I only have to complete three more and I’m on target.

If I can wrap up In the Widening Gyre by May (and I hope sooner than that!), then I can take two months to finish Topheth (July), and two more to finish The Tree of Liberty (September), which will give me the last part of the year to start work on the next installments of the Spilled Milk series, The Dragon’s Eye Cycle, and the third Jonathan Munro Adventure. None of them will be due until 2013, either.

I think, once I get the Spilled Milk series done (and I expect only three titles in that set, at most), I’m still gonna resist doing any more series until I wrap up at least two more. I really want to finish off Jefferson’s Road and The Dragon’s Eye Cycle, since both of these series have a clearly defined end point. New World Order (of which In the Widening Gyre is just the first installment) does as well, but the anticipated series is nine books long. That’s a major investment of time, so I can’t really focus all my energies on finishing the series just now. By contrast, both Jonathan Munro Adventures and Janelle Becker Books are somewhat open-ended. I can write as many books in those series as I can think up. And since each novel stands alone, it’s not like I’m gonna have people breathing down my neck like I do for the others.

I think, in the future, I’m might steer away from sequential series. At least, I’ll stay away from this many! Maybe one or two at the most, with some stand alone novels and series thrown in the mix. Still, by the time I’m done with what’s currently on my plate, I’ll have written 33 books.

Don’t think I can complain about that at all, actually.

Bare-bones pricing on my printed books

I finally got around to reexamining the prices for my printed books via Createspace, and the good news is that I’ve been able to lower the prices on just about all of them.

Any lower on these prices and every sale would cost me money. Almost all of this price is printing costs. I make pennies for each one. But, every penny counts!

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