A Year of Milestones

Since I first published The Spirit of Resistance in July of 2010, I’ve been marking my writing year from July to June. Thus, now that we’ve crossed the threshold into July, it’s time for a recap.

An especially helpful recap, frankly, because for the past week or so I’ve been feeling rather discouraged. No worries, though. It’s just part of being a writer, I’ve learned. There’s good days and bad days, up and down like  everyone else has.

At any rate, this year has been a  year of milestones.What are they? I’m glad you asked.


I’ve written and either published or had accepted for publication (Which is practically the same thing in my book) now ten novels. Yes. I’m officially into double digits. The Elixir of Life is due to come out in November, which puts me over the top. I don’t know if I’ll have another completed before then, given my current attempt at writing six novels contemporaneously, but it’s possible.

#2 – SOLD OVER 1,500 BOOKS

As of this writing, it’s more like 1,600, though I don’t have final numbers in yet from Ellechor (due Friday, and probably worth an update when they arrive).

When you combine these numbers with the freebies I’ve given away, I have almost 32,000 copies of some of my books floating out there somewhere.

Kboards (formerly Kindleboards) has just put up an author milestone page where my tally shows up (I have to update it. It’s on the honor system), and it’s kinda cool to see where I stand in relation to other authors. I’m definitely on the right target. It’s also highly motivational. I really want to get to that next threshold, now.


The Coppersmith crossed that threshold this past month, and I now have sold 1,003 copies of that particular story. That’s more than all my other books combined, which is kinda cool given that it’s my first born novel. Way to go, kid (hey, it’s a metaphor. Trust me: writers get it).

And while not exactly a milestone, I’m happy to report that I have now written over 100,000 words since mid February (or since the start of the year. If you remember, I took six weeks off at the beginning of 2013). While I’m convinced I can do better, it’s still something to be proud of. I’m averaging about 725 words per day at the moment. Now that I’ve got my groove back, I should be able to push the last two of my six current WIPs over the 20K threshold.

Of course, if I expect to maintain the growth of my book sales, I’m going to have to do some kind of promotion again this fall. I don’t know if I can duplicate the results of last year’s efforts, but I hope to pull something together that will at least get me close.

Some day, probably not next year or even the year after that, but someday fairly soon, I should reach the magic threshold of 1,000 books per month. That’s the magic line where a writer can earn a respectable living from his words alone. That’s the real short term goal. I guess I’m getting closer and more confident now that it’s achievable–and that is a milestone.

4 thoughts on “A Year of Milestones”

    • Thanks, Nancy. It has been rather incredible.

      BTW, your book has arrived. It is signed and in a box, and awaiting some packing tape (I’ll be picking up some today) so I can ship it out to ya (Could’ve sworn we had some around here). You should have it in a few days.

  1. “given my current attempt at writing six novels contemporaneously”

    You’re crazy. But that’s what we love about you. 🙂

    Great stuff. Glad you’re enjoying it again, too. (well, except for the past week, I guess)

    I’m falling behind—I think I’ve only read five of your ten books!! Yikes. Gotta get to reading. How funny is it that you are writing/producing faster than I am reading!? Nice work!

    • Yeah that’s me. Super writer. Faster than a speeding iPod. More powerful than a Kindle Fire. Able to leap tall stacks of manuscripts in a single bound!


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