And still… climbing!

Final post of the evening for The Spirit of Resistance.  The book is still climbing in the rankings without me doing a thing to promote it. Here are the latest stats from Amazon:

As you can see, we’ve put a serious dent in the rankings over all, let alone for the Action & Adventure and Political genres. As of this evening, I’ve also recorded my first follow up sales (or what I suspect are follow up sales) for both Patriots and Tyrants and The Tree of Liberty. I now show purchases both at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. I’m confident Apple may have something to report as well, but they haven’t shown up just as yet.

The book, of course, is perma-free, so it will either climb or drop in the rankings on a day to day basis. I may, from time to time, give it a little boost through a facebook post on one of the many “Hey my book is free!” pages (and there are a ton of them!), but my main goal, of course, is to acquire people genuinely interested in the story (ie: readers, not just kindle stuffers), who will continue with it through the next five books in the series, which is why I have not done any real promotion other than to make the first book free. And yes, I will get my butt in gear and work hard on finishing book 4. I’ve passed 30K words now, so still not half done, but better than a third, at least.

For now, at least, it looks like the strategy is working. And that feels pretty darn good.

2 thoughts on “And still… climbing!”

  1. OK, so you know what this means (and I see that you did address this)… you gotta get #4 out ASAP, before your growing readership grows too disgruntled! 🙂

    (Not saying that’s happening here…)

    Great to see it moving up. Spirit of Resistance was the first book of yours that I read (and first I had heard of, too) and I was hooked. Keep up the good work!


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