And Now For Some Good News…

Just last night, I finally finished Descent, my alien abduction novel. Spent part of today reworking the cover so it would fit, and then uploading the files to Createspace and Kindle.

So if you’re a fan of UFO stories or the X-Files, this one’s for you.

It’s not a series, just a stand alone novel. I have no plans to write more of Christopher James – at least, not in the foreseeable future. And truthfully, I’m relieved to have it finished. Means I can concentrate on some of the other outstanding projects. At any rate, I think it’s a fun story – nothing too serious – and I hope you like it.  I enjoyed writing it. For the longest time, it was just something I tinkered with. Once I realized I had a real story on my hands, it was kind of one of those “you owe it to yourself to finish” deals.

Once it finishes publishing, I’ll set it up on KDP Select and make it free to any who want it for a time. I’ll let you guys know when that is – as well as informing all the usual suspects – so you can grab a copy and enjoy.

Here are the links:

Descent in Kindle

Descent in Paperback


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