A Little House Cleaning…

Hey there, I just wanted to bring you up to speed. I’m making a few tweaks to the website and to the free book offer, which means updating all eighteen KDP books (I’ll get to the books on other sites later) as well as my email server (Mailchimp).

In short, I’m taking down the offers of The Coppersmith and Topheth, and replacing them with The Lost Scrolls largely because a) I think the new offer is better, and b) because I think it’s a better fit for those who read Nicholas, which is currently my best seller.

At any rate, while this is happening, it’s possible you’ve signed up through one of the books expecting to receive The Lost Scrolls and you might receive The Coppersmith by mistake. If that occurs, I do apologize. There should only be a short window where this might occur before I can get all the ducks lined up. But should it happen, please drop me a line and I’ll send you the correct .mobi file for your kindle post-haste. I hope to have all this wrapped up before the week is out. After that, my stay-cation is over and I have to go back to work, meaning my opportunity to get more of this done will be limited once more.

Also, if you ever signed up to like the facebook page, I’ve changed the name of it to better reflect all the books I have, rather than just the one series. I’m hoping to spend a little more time using it as well, though I’m still learning this part of the indie-writer business.

And yes, I’m still writing. I hope to have something new to offer soon. Cheers!

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