Well, I’m still working on the Spilled Milk story that I started for NaNo. Yesterday I wrapped up the first seven days of December, and I’ve cranked out about 10.4K words so far this week. I think this is going to be my goal from now on: 10K words a week. True, it’s nowhere’s near an Amanda Hocking type pace, but it’s a whole heck of a lot faster than I’ve gone before.

I did some math last night before cranking out the final grand to put me over the 10K mark. This is a list of the various works I have in process and their respective word counts since starting to write seriously about six years ago:

TITLE Word Count
Eye of Darkness 71866
Spilled Milk 63203
Tree of Liberty 15971
Topheth 26838
The Novem 24381
Waterless Places 12311
Descent 11664
Rock of Ages 11289
Saint Jude 8856
Jezebel 5469

I’ve listed the projects in order of priority. So even though Topheth is further along than Tree of Liberty, I know I have more people waiting for one than the other, which is why I put it first.

As you can see, I’ve got ten different projects that I’ve started and haven’t finished as of yet. Fantasy, sci-fi, action/adventure, thriller and drama. I’ll need to write approximately 500K words to finish them all. And that’s my goal for this next year: to finish and release ten separate novels.

I don’t have any illusions that this will be easy, and frankly, if I succeed at finishing all ten, I think it means I won’t have reached high enough. I will definitely have to churn out 10K words a week to pull this off.  Still, it’s a goal, and one worth pursuing.

That being said, I do believe I’ll have both Eye of Darkness and Spilled Milk done by the end of the month–and I’ll be back to work on the next mile in Jefferson’s Road before the new year begins.

Wish me luck!

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. Hi Michael,
    I read a thread where you answered someone’s question on whether first-timers can make money publishing on kindle and Smashmouth. You mentioned that you could give them information on promoting through book bloggers. I’d be very interested in that info also. Please contact me at pualanis_flower@yahoo.com

    Thank you,


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