Coming Soon to a Twitter Feed Near You…

Gotta say, I really enjoyed K.M. Weiland’s blog over at AuthorCulture (and Linda Yezak, and Johne Cook, and Lynette Bonner, of course!), especially the set of four posts she did on marketing via social networking sites. Very informative and helpful. Particularly interesting was the information on Twitter.

Now, I haven’t signed up for Twitter just yet, but I’m going to. If only because I’m beginning to see just how powerful a networking tool it can really be. That, and I’ve learned some useful tools that will help me make use of it even while I’m at work, when I won’t have access (Thank you for that tip, Linda).

So. Sometime later today, tomorrow at the latest, I’ll take the plunge and sign up. I’m really hoping I can get assistance from all you Twitter critters out there in figuring this out. Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to some serious writing.

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