
Oh, I just remembered why I opened up the blog to post something. I actually had a purpose beyond just ranting about cancer.

For fans of New World Order, book one: Turning, I wanted to let you in on a little deal: anyone who recommends the book to at least three friends (they have to actually start reading it) will get a free sneak peek at part one of New World Order, book two: Anarchy.

That’s not a cheesy freebie, either, folks. I’m talking a solid fifteen chapters worth of material (it was just twelve, but I’ve realized the last three chapters I’ve written still belong in part one.)!

So here’s the way this works: you recommend the book to three friends who begin reading it and just shoot me an email, and I’ll send you the first fifteen chapters in either pdf, mobi, or epub format (if you need it in another format, let me know and I’ll see what I can do).

Naturally, I’m asking you NOT to send this material on to your friends as well. If they want the sample, they can get it the same way you did.

RECOMMEND THIS                              GET 15 CHAPTERS OF THIS!

Cover 4      Anarchy Cover

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