Having worked in the direct care field, I have some experience with nits. These
pernicious little buggers are almost impossible to get out of someone’s hair (believe me. I’ve done it). You need to use a serious, fine tooth comb just to find them all (I used an electric comb with great success. Zaps ’em dead), and even after you think you’ve got them, they can still be hidden down near the roots of the hairs.

Finding typos in a manuscript is just like that. Especially when the typos are actually spelled correctly – just the wrong word in the wrong place.


A friend sent me two identified typos in Jefferson’s Road: The Spirit of Resistance which I have since corrected, but now I’ve had to submit a new interior to the book and to all the e-formats to get the corrections made. The good news is that he only found two. Actually, he thought he found three, but foundering is an actual word (Ha!).  Still, I’m grateful he pointed them out to me, and I’m glad the corrections are in place.

On a positive note, I just learned that JRSOR has been picked up by someone in the Expanded Distribution catalog from Create Space. This is a distribution through major booksellers, libraries, schools, and other organizations. The downside is that I think I’m about to be hit for $25 for making the changes. Live and learn.

At any rate, here are the stats as we close in on a year of selling books:

Title Copies Earnings
The Spirit of Resistance 85 $196.18
The Coppersmith 28 $10.17
Patriots and Tyrants      4 $8.39
Total all 3 books 117 $214.74

So you see, I’m getting somewhere with this. Just not anywhere fast. Like Joe Konrath has said, “This is a marathon, not a sprint.” It’ll be a while before I can make a living doing this.

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