As it’s nearly midnight on June 30th, it seems like now’s a safe time to give the updated sales figures for the month. And all I can say is, “Wow!”

So far this month, I have sold 37 books. That is basically double what I sold in April (18) or May (19). It’s almost like adding another book has doubled my sales. Looking back, it sorta looks like that’s what happened when I released The Coppersmith, too. Sales jumped from an average of 9 or at the most 10, to right around 18. One book later, and I’ve doubled again. Got to say, I’m real curious to see if this will hold true when I release another one.

Of course, this could be just a fluke. I’d chalk it up to clever marketing, but this month I haven’t been doing anything all that different than what I’ve been doing right along, so I’m reluctant to say that it’s some kind of clever action on my part. I think it’s just the cumulative effect of sales – books driving readers from one to another. At least, I hope that’s what it is. That would be indicative of a developing fan base, which is what I’m really interested in. Anyway, it’s leaving me feeling pretty good over all.

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