
So the newest favorite activity at the Scott home is checking to see whether or not any books have sold. After all, it’s been what, forty whole hours since I posted Jefferson’s Road online? We ought to be rolling in dough by now!


I try to explain to people that this takes time. I told the fam, “Give it a month,” only to hear, “What if it doesn’t sell in a month?” I said, “Give it a year, then. This won’t happen overnight, you know.”

I’m truly grateful that I’ve picked up as much exposure as I have to this point. So far, the book trailer has been viewed more than thirty-five times (and I’ve only been responsible for maybe half of them – assuming it does record me every time I log in to see how many have viewed it), and the book has had five samples downloaded from Smashwords – and that’s without me even announcing that it’s available on Smashwords.

And it’s only been 40 hours!

But we live in a microwave culture, and everyone wants what they want yesterday. Personally, I’d rather it take some time and build correctly. There are marketing steps I won’t even take until next week (like announcing the book is available on Smashwords… okay, maybe here, but not on Facebook.) and the week after (like announcing there’s a fan page on Facebook. Okay, maybe here, but not on Facebook! Not yet, anyway). The goal is to keep putting this novel in front of people every little bit at a time and pray that a few bits stick together until a snowball forms, until an avalanche starts. But it takes time, people!

Soon. Everything will come together when it’s supposed to. In the meantime, I have a second book to write. I only have nine chapters done, and I’m expecting at least fifty for this one.

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